Catalogue 8th Mercosul Biennial, 2011
EVR - The Revolutionary Journey!, Mercosul Biennial, Porto
Alegre, 2011
table with previous studios, mural painted, 5000 posters,
5000 postcards and billboard, 4,50 x 12 x 4 m

Poster EVR, Informe País, GAM-Santiago de Chile, 2011

EVR, Informe País, GAM, Santiago de Chile, 2011

EVR, Informe País, GAM Santiago de Chile, 2011 (detail
pared 8 x 3 m)
EVR, Informe País, GAM Santiago de Chile, 2011 (postcards21,5
x 14 cm)

EVR - The Revolutionary Journey!, Mercosul Biennial, Porto
Alegre, 2011
EVR - The Revolutionary Journey!, Mercosul Biennial, Porto
Alegre, 2011
EVR - The Revolutionary Journey!, Mercosul Biennial, Porto
Alegre, 2011

EVR - The Revolutionary Journey!, Mercosul Biennial, Porto
Alegre, 2011

EVR - The Revolutionary Journey!, Mercosul Biennial, Porto
Alegre, 2011
EVR - The Revolutionary Journey!, Mercosul Biennial, Porto
Alegre, 2011
The Revolutionary Journey! at El Parqueadero, Bogota, 2011
for an Imperfect Future

TRJ creates a progressive topology of chapters/ports constructed
on the basis of:
- drawings of hydrographic tables showing the paths of navigable
rivers in South America (based on photos developed by NASA).
- a virtual itinerary, cross-referenced with statements from
the road diaries of Ernesto “Che” Guevara
- the status of the 'revolutionary', understood as a practice
and a continuous process.
- the exhibition as public capital, cartographic progress
and inclusion of new chapters/ports.
The project functions through its potential for possible route
changes or drifts, which in turn imply questions about frontiers,
interstitial spaces and the perception of what is public (implicating
the system of art itself).

Postcards - Informe País, GAM - Santiago
de Chile 14 x 21 cm
Posters - 8th Mercosul Biennial, 2011
5000 Posters (50 x 70 cm)
5000 Postcards (14 x 21 cm)
Detail of table with previous studios
The Revolutionary Journey!
A navigated novel
Journey plan
The journey plan is based upon lines that begin in the first
stretch of Bolivian territory, continually spiraling and turning
360 degrees. Each chapter is a port in the continual line
of rivers running from Puerto Brais on the Beni River to the
Ucayali River (Bolivia), entering the Amazon through Iquitos
(Peru), flowing through Leticia (Colombia), Manaus (Brazil)
and others ports, crossing the Mato Grosso (Brazil/Paraguay)
until they spill out into the Tigre Delta (Argentina) and
launch a new voyage.
---------------------------------------------- Chapters:
1 - Puerto Brais - Beni River
2 - Puerto de Tumapasa - Beni River
3 - Puerto Linares - Beni River
4 - Puerto Riberalta - Beni River/Madre de Dios River
5 - Puerto Trinidad - Madre de Dios River
6 - Puerto Maravilla - Madre de Dios River
7 - Puerto América - Madre de Dios River
8 - Puerto Heath - Madre de Dios River
9 - Puerto Maldonado - Madre de Dios River
10 - Puerto Tahuantinsuyo - Madre de Dios River
11 - Puerto Inca - Ucayali River
12 - Puerto Callao - Ucayali River
13 - Puerto Pucallpa - Ucayali River
14 - Puerto Contamana - Ucayali River
15 - Puerto Requena - Ucayali River
16 - Puerto Iquitos - Amazon River
17 - Puerto Arica - Napo River
18 - Puerto Miranda - Napo River
19 - Puerto Coca - Napo River
20 - Puerto Ventura - Napo River
21 - Puerto España - Amazon River
22 - Puerto Nariño - Amazon River
23 - Puerto Leticia - Amazon River
24 - Porto do Coari - Amazon River
25 - Porto do Fonte Boa - Amazon River
26 - Porto do Manacapuru - Amazon River
27 - Porto do Manaus - Amazon River
29 - Porto do Santarém - Amazon River
28 - Porto do Itacoatiara - Amazon River
30 - Porto do Itaituba - Tapajós River
31 - Porto do Río Juruena - Juruena River
32 - Porto dos Gauchos - Arinos Arinos
33 - Gran Pantanal - Paraguaisinho River
34 - Porto Cáseres - Paraguay River
35 - Puerto Suárez - Paraguay River
36 - Porto Corumbá - Paraguay River
37 - Porto Murtinho - Paraguay River
38 - Puerto Asunción - Paraguay River
39 - Puerto Barranqueras - Paraná River
40 - Puerto Reconquista - Paraná River
41 - Puerto Rosario - Paraná River
42 - Puerto Tigre - Río de La Plata
43 – Puerto de Salto – Uruguay River
44 – Porto de Manoel Viana – Ibicui River
45 – Porto de Cachoeira do Sul – Jacuí
46 – Porto Alegre – Guaiba River
The means of navigation can be passenger/commercial ships,
barges, canoes, boats, motorboats, rafts, etc., depending
on the different legs of the journey.
TRJ’s status as navigated novel brings together the
project’s different layers and organizes its unity and
its temporal and spatial drift. TRJ is an ongoing project
and is updated as each new stage of the journey is realized,
or in each public presentation, by means of a new cartography
of rivers and strategies of perception.
8 Mersosul Biennial. Porto Alegre, 2011
Curators:Jose Roca, Aracy Amaral, Pablo Helguera, Alexia Tala,
Caue Alves, Paola Santoscoy, Fernanda Albuquerque
Artists: Alberto Lastreto, Alicia Herrero, Andre Komatsu,
Angela Detanico & Rafael Lain, Anna Bella Geiger, Barthelemy
Toguo, Center for Land Use Interpretation , Coco Fusco, Cristina
Lucas, Donna Conlon & Jonathan Harker, Duke Riley, Edgardo
Aragon, Eduardo Abaroa, Emmanuel Nassar, Fabio Morais, Fernando
Bryce, Flavia Gandolfo, Francis Alÿs, Guilherme Peters,
Irwin / NSK , Ivan Candeo, Javier Lopez & Erika Meza,
Jean-Francois Bocle, Jon Rubin & Dawn Weleski, Jonathan
Harker, Jose Toirac & Meira Marrero, Juan Manuel Echavarria,
Kajsa Dahlberg, Khaled Hafez, Khalil Rabah, Lais Myrrha, Leslie
Shows, Lucia Madriz, Luis Garciga, Luis Romero, Manuela Ribadeneira,
Marcelo Cidade, Marcius Galan, Maria Teresa Ponce, Mark Lombardi,
Mayana Redin, Melanie Smith & Rafael Ortega, Miguel Angel
Rios, Miguel Luciano, Pablo Bronstein, Paco Cao, Paola Parcerisa,
Paulo Climachauska, Raquel Garbelotti, Regina Silveira, Sanna
Kannisto, Santiago Sierra, Sealand , Slavs and Tatars , Torolab
/ Raul Cardena, Uriel Orlow, Voluspa Jarpa, Yanagi Yukinori,
Yasmin Hage, YKON (Tellervo Kalleinen, Oliver Kochta-Kalleinen,
Ulu Braun, Tomas Träskman, Pekko Koskinen, Christina
Kral), Young-Hae Chang