DRAMA is an experiment of consciousness.
Professionals and technicians were convened for a filming day to the Adolfo Mejia theatre of Cartagena de Indias. They become performers of the video. The filming day was a remake of the Bergman film Persona.
Drama is an involuntary and baroque existential
exercise that proposes different levels of reality/fiction.
Everything happens in the conflict between "represented"
truth and "actual" truth (subjects develop in the
original Bergman film).
Music: Federico Llach
Edition: Gabriela Golber
Electra y Sra. E --------------------------------Cynthia Acosta
Performer 2
Srta.A ------------------------------------------- Laiza Acosta
Performer 3
Asistente de Dirección y de Producción -------- María Posse
Performer 4
Casting y coordinación performers-------Patricia Ruiz Acero
Performer 5
Directora de Teatro ----------------------------Alicia Herrero
Performer 6
Camarógrafo 1 -------------------------------------------Alex
Performer 7
Coreógrafo Pelea -----------------------------Lobadis Pérez
(El Colegio del Cuerpo)
Performer 8
Maquillador ------------------------------------ Rafael Palma
Performer 9
Fotógrafo ------------------------------------- Fabián Álvarez
Performer 10
Iluminador Técnico --------------------------- Tomás Correa
Performer 11
Tramoyista----------------------------------John Bornachera
Performer 12
Narrador-----------------------------------------Natalia Moret |