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M I  B O T Í N   


Alicia Herrero   
  African ceramic, private collection.
Wedgwood ceramic S. XVIII (Victorian and Albert Museum)
Teacup, Josef Albers, 1925.
  Attic White-Ground Lekythos Mid 5 th Century B.C.
Terrine 1769 (British Museum)
Walter Gropius teapot.

  Attic Black-Figure Lip Cup, 550-530 B.C.
Tiere and Jagdenetze, (Lindenmuseum, Sttugart)
Theodor Boegle, modelo para jarra combinada, 1922-1923

  Limoge saucepan of Henrry Charles Pellegrini, Queen Victory pressent
Art Deco ceramic, private collection.
Marianne Brand tetera con colador, 1924 (Germanisches National-Museum, Nuremberg).

  Karl Marx Porcelan, URSS 1953 (sin retrato) Souvenir DDR
Glass fruitpot 1837 Graf-Bouquoy, Silberverg.
Theodor Bogler, recipiente de despensa en loza, 1925
Wedgwood CeramicS XVIII (Victorian and Albert Museum)
  Porcelain saladpot Carlos IV (Museo Real de Madrid)
Theodor Bogler, recipiente de despensa en loza, 1925
Porcelain cup and plate of Bartolomé Mitre Argentine expresident
Glass (1896-1900) Burgum, Schverer & Co.
  Jarron Song (960-1280)
Tongebäb-Nazca-Region.Privatesamml. Gaffron.
Cerámica de Susa (fines del IV milenio a.C.)-Museo del Louvre, Paris




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