27 paintings on canvas (0,60 x 0,50 m), printed
A4 word document,
self-adhesive sticker attached to the wall (0,90 x 0,25m)
Centro Cultural Rojas, Universidad de Buenos Aires

African ceramic, private collection.
Wedgwood Ceramics S. XVIII (Victorian and Albert Museum)
Teacup, Josef Albers, 1925.

Attic White-Ground Lekythos Mid 5th Century B.C.
Terrine 1769 (British Museum)
Walter Gropius teapot.

Attic Black-Figure Lip Cup, 550-530 B.C.
Tiere and Jagdenetze, (Lindenmuseum Sttugart)
Theodor Boegle, model for a combined pitcher, 1922-1923

Limoge saucepan of Henrry Charles Pellegrini, Queen Victory
Art Deco ceramic, private collection.
Marianne Brand teapot with strainer, 1924 (Germanisches National-Museum,

Karl Marx Porcelain, URSS 1953 (sin retrato) Souvenir DDR
Glass fruit bowl 1837 Graf-Bouquoy, Silberverg.
Theodor Bogler, earthenware pantry container, 1925
Wedgwood Ceramics S XVIII (Victoria and Albert Museum)

Porcelain saladpot Carlos IV (Museo Real de Madrid)
Theodor Bogler, recipiente de despensa en loza, 1925
Porcelain cup and plate of Bartolomé Mitre Argentine expresident
Glass (1896-1900) Burgum, Schverer & Co.

Jarron Song (960-1280)
Tongebäb-Nazca-Region.Privatesamml. Gaffron.
Ceramic, Susa (end of IV milenium BC)-Louvre Museum, Paris
Critical texts:
Ambiguous Objects in Argentine Art of the 90's
by Elena Oliveras
My booty asks what is valuable and how an object can become
a status symbol. (This research is inspired by the Victoria
& Albert and British Museum collections).
According to Wikipedia, “The traditional meaning of
booty is something both valuable and acquired by force or
daring. The proceeds of criminal activity are sometimes referred
to as booty, especially from piratical exploits. Historically,
booty included plunder (from an enemy), loot (from piracy),
or a prize (won by daring)".
My Booty focuses on the notion of "CULTURAL PRODUCTIONS"
and produces a new reading of this concept. My Booty re-appropriates
books, images and data from famous collections of bowls, vases,
guacos, porcelains, ceramics and glasses, by means of collage,
cultural-video and painting on anvas
The pieces are the patrimony of different collections and
museums and their origins range from imperial collections
to Bauhaus objects.
A sticker with the image of a cyber-pirate with the artist's
face is placed at the entrance of the room. A printed word
document shows information about the provenance of each piece.

Terrine 1769 (British Museum)
detail- painting on canvas

Lekythos Mid 5th Century B.C.(British Museum)