SUITE AUCTION DRAWINGS consists of a series of ACTIONS
in several art auction houses, graphite DRAWINGS on paper,
VIDEO, DOCUMENTS and a PUBLICATION of the drawings.
The project involves live drawing sessions during the duration
of the auctions, in the space where they happen. The drawings
take their cues from the performative and economic event.
Data and prices of the works sold are included in the drawings.
Mimesis and camouflage are the rules of these auctions/actions
that are inspired by Courtroom Drawings and that articulate
their routines using the epiphenomena of the art auction.

Autcion Drawings
Autcion Drawings

video Day 6
Day 7
September 16, 2010,
Post War and Contemporary Art Day Sale 5548
Christie’s Gallery London
Day 6
May 26, 2009,
Contemporary Art Day Sale 2514
Christie’s Gallery Milano
Day 5
May 25, 2009,
Contemporary Art Day Sale 2514
Christie’s Gallery Milano
Day 4
February 6, 2009
Contemporary Art Day Sale [L09621]
Sotheby’s Gallery London
Day 3
February 5, 2009,
Contemporary Evening Sale [L09620]
Sotheby´s Gallery London
Day 2
July 16, 2008
20th Century British Art Sale 5369
Christie´s Gallery London
Day 1
July 15, 2008
20th Century British Art [L08141]
Sotheby´s Gallery London
video Day 4
show dispari
& dispari
still video Day 5